M2 – Processing of Travel Expense Invoices for Study Subjects

M2 – Processing of Travel Expense Invoices

The processing of travel expense invoices for study subjects is conducted electronically.

M2 – Processing of Travel Expense Invoices for Study Subjects

In the M2 processing system for research receipts at Clinical Research Institute HUS, you can create new travel invoices for research subjects and accept travel invoices for payment. Please note that travel invoices cannot be used to process, for example, the compensation of the subjects’ harms; they are paid using the form Remuneration invoice – salary earner through payroll at palkat.hyksinstituutti[at]hus.fi.

Employees’ travel expenses are not processed in the M2 system.

The compensation paid to the research subjects must be applied for during the current year.

Additional information and new user requests

tel. 040 626 4616, ostolaskut.hyksinstituutti[at]hus.fi