HiRo – Clinical Research Institute HUS’s Reporting Program

HiRo – Reporting Program

The reporting program helps researchers manage their own studies.

HiRo – Clinical Research Institute HUS’s Reporting Program

The reporting program helps researchers manage their own studies

Through HiRo, the project’s principal investigator can examine the financial situation of their projects at any time.

Instruction Manual

Instruction Manual with Images (PDF)

Starting Use of the Program

The reporting software is available to the researcher on a computer connected to the HUS network at https://HiRo.hus.fi. A separate login is not required, as the program recognizes the researcher through HUS authentication.

Summary of the Financial Situation of Projects

When the program opens, the Researcher’s Projects tab appears, showing a list of all the researcher’s projects with the current balances at the top of the page. Project financials are updated in the program on a monthly basis on the 15th of each month.

Video guide: Researcher’s Projects page (duration 3:52)

Project Income and Expenses

You can review the income and expenses of an individual project by examining the income and expenses of the selected project. You can view the information by pressing the project number or project name, making it active.  After this, press the “Project income and expenses” link in the menu that opens.

Project activations can be cancelled by clicking the project number or name again. In the view that opens, you can see the income and expenses of the selected project at the account level for the current year and the previous year. In addition, the data is displayed for the entire lifecycle of the project.

In the selection of the year at the bottom left of the page, you can select the year and month you want, which will allow you to view the data for the time period you have selected as well as for the previous year. At the top of the page, you can see the time period for which there are project entries.

Video guide: Project income and expenses (duration 4:02)

Project Events

Information about the transaction level of an individual account, i.e. the voucher level, can be accessed by clicking on the account number or name and selecting “Project voucher browsing (with selection of Year)” from the menu that opens, to see the entries for the year you selected and the previous year. If you want to view all the transactions in that account throughout the project’s lifecycle, you must select “Project voucher browsing – all”.

Video guide: Project voucher browsing (duration 1:14)

Transfer of Data to Excel

At the top of each view page, you can see an Excel icon that you can press to transfer the data on the view to Excel. The view will open in a new Excel export tab.

Press the Download button at the top of the page > Select Crosstab in the menu that opens > If this option is not active, close the Download window and click anywhere in the view, such as the title -> Then press Download again and then Crosstab. The program will create an Excel file at the bottom of the page.

Video guide: Transferring data to Excel (duration 1:09)

You can find more detailed instructions in the instruction manual at the top of the page.

Additional Information

Financial Manager Minna Aromäki, tel. 050 359 6940, ext-minna.aromaki[at]hus.fi