Research Grant Administration Services

Research Grant Administration Services

Grants awarded by foundations are administered insofar as the researcher in question is conducting research on HUS patients and/or using HUS facilities or resources.

Research Grant Administration Services

At Clinical Research Institute HUS, grants awarded by foundations are administered insofar as the researcher in question is conducting research on HUS patients and/or using HUS facilities or resources. The institute does not process funding granted by the NIH, the EU, Business Finland (TEKES) or any other public research funding provider, nor does the institute manage research projects whose funding was granted by a public body such as the Academy of Finland, a ministry, or the University of Helsinki.

The researcher and Clinical Research Institute HUS draw up an agreement on grant administration. The institute commits to complying with HUS circulars 22/2000 and 9/2001 in grant bookkeeping and monetary transactions. Clinical Research Institute HUS charges a 5% service fee for its grant services. In addition to the service fee, Clinical Research Institute HUS is obligated to charge a 10% share of grants to cover general HUS expenses. This share is remitted to the profit unit in which the study is carried out (see Circular 8/2002).

For the purpose of the grant administration agreement, the Grant Coordinator at Clinical Research Institute HUS must provide the following information by email to ostolaskut.hyksinstituutti[at]

  • Letter from an outside foundation awarding the grant
  • Complete name of the research
  • The amount of the grant to be administered by Clinical Research Institute HUS
  • The field in which the research is to be carried out

A separate agreement will be concluded for each grant received from a different grantor, even if they are related to the same research. When a researcher receives a new grant for the same research from the same grant provider, a new administration agreement does not need to be made. In this case, it is sufficient to provide a notification by the researcher and to submit a new grant decision to the grant coordinator at Clinical Research Institute HUS (ostolaskut.hyksinstituutti[at] In this case, the researcher asks the grantor to transfer the awarded additional grant to the same Clinical Research Institute HUS account, with the existing agreement/project number as reference.

Grants are awarded to researchers personally, meaning that how a grant should be used is up to the researcher within the limits imposed by the awarding institution. Clinical Research Institute HUS handles the payments of purchase invoices and other expenses accrued in the researcher’s project. When a researcher is using a grant awarded to them to hire research project members, the researcher acts as the employer for their team members.

When hiring a research team to carry out a study with a grant, Clinical Research Institute HUS prepares the employment contracts on behalf of the researcher, handles bookkeeping, submits reports to the Incomes Register, and takes out the statutory insurance policies. The grant can still be used to pay grants to persons working in the research, if the party that awarded the grant allows this.

The head of the research team must inform Mela of the names and contact information of the persons working under the research grant who are not in an employment relationship with the head of the research team. Grantees working in the research team are obligated to apply for MYEL insurance from Mela themselves.

The researcher can monitor the expenses through the HiRo reporting system.

A Grant Coordinator answers questions about grants, such as

  • payment of grant to the research team members
  • employment matters
  • payment of wages and salaries and remunerations
  • purchase invoices accrued in the research project
  • balances

Additional Information:
Grant Coordinator, tel. 040 626 4616, e-mail: ostolaskut.hyksinstituutti[at]